Government Alerts directly to you Government Alerts directly to you Government Alerts directly to you

In an emergency, will you know what to do, where to go, how to
get information?

Free alerts from local governments in the National Capital Region.

In less than five minutes, customize free emergency alerts to your smartphone, computer, or tablet. Get instant access to information to protect yourself and your loved ones.

Instant, Official Information in Emergencies

Get official information from firefighters, police and emergency managers about:

  • Major emergency alerts (terrorism or natural disasters)

  • Weather alerts

  • Traffic reports

  • AMBER alerts

  • School closings

  • Government closings

Get Alerts Wherever You Are

You’ll get instant information no matter where you are because alerts can be sent to your:

  • Cell phone

  • Home phone

  • Email

  • RSS

  • PDA, like Blackberry®

  • Pager

Control How Many Alerts You Get

The number of messages you receive depends on how many types of alerts you sign up for and how many events occur in your area.

  • Choose as many or as few alerts as you wish

  • Sign up for multiple jurisdictions

  • Set “quiet times” when you won’t receive messages

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